October 18, 2023

Which University Should I Choose to Study in the US - Private or Public University – What’s the Difference?

by Arunachalam

Which University Should I Choose to Study in the US - Private or Public University – What’s the Difference?

We understand that choosing the right college or university to study at in the USA can be a difficult decision. There are many factors to consider when choosing a university to study at in the USA, including sources of funding, size of campus and fields of study. This decision-making process can be made easier by understanding which type of university you want to study at - public or private. In this blog we will explain each type of university in brief.

Public universities in the US

Also known as state universities, these universities are funded by the public through the state government, which means that the state provides funds to help develop the infrastructure of the universities, provide better educational opportunities, and increase the exposure of the students enrolled.

Here is a list of some of the top public universities in the USA that offer a world-class education:

  • University of California, Los Angeles
  • University of Michigan
  • University of Washington
  • University of Virginia
  • University of Florida
  • University of California, Santa Barbara
  • University of California, San Diego
  • University of Texas at Austin

Private universities in the US

Private universities are not financed or run by the government. These educational institutions receive funding from students, endowments, and private donors. Private universities are the most prestigious institutions in the world, including Ivy League universities.

Here is a list of the top private universities in the USA:

  • Harvard University
  • Princeton University
  • Stanford University
  • Emory University
  • Northwestern University
  • University of Chicago
  • Columbia University
  • Duke University
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Yale University

Public vs. private universities - understanding the key differences

It's critical to comprehend the distinction between public and private universities abroad before we can discuss this subject further. Let's look at the differences and decide which is best for you, public or private.

1. Sources of funding

The major difference between public and private universities is the funding aspect. Public universities are funded by the state, while private universities are mainly funded by their endowments. Tuition fees are the main source of funding for private universities.

2. Cost of attendance

Tuition fees at public universities are usually low because they are heavily subsidised by the government. Private universities, on the other hand, don't receive any money from the government and rely mainly on tuition fees and private donations. This means that tuition fees are generally higher at private universities, but not always.

Note: It is important to remember that although private universities can be expensive, they offer generous scholarships and financial aid to students.

3. Number of degrees offered

Most often a limited range of academic majors are offered by private universities. Most public universities offer a wider range of courses and degree programmes.

4. Quality of education

Many people believe that private universities and colleges have a better reputation for academic excellence than public institutions, but this is not the case. In fact, the quality of education at different universities varies and depends on many factors. Private universities have more extensive academic programmes that emphasise extra-curricular learning, while public universities are also known for their extensive academic programmes.

5. Size of the university

In general, public universities are bigger than private ones. Public universities have larger student populations, larger student-teacher ratios, larger campuses, larger class sizes, and larger student-faculty ratios. Professors at public colleges are less likely to know the names of every student, and the campus atmosphere is less intimate. Penn State University is an example of a large university with almost 40,000 students. Public universities are more likely than private universities to have facilities to meet students' needs. They may also provide transportation and dining facilities.

6. Student diversity

Private universities have a more diverse student body than public universities. This is due to the fact that whereas public colleges draw more students from the local region, private universities draw more students from within the state. Private universities, on the other hand, retain a homogeneous campus population while welcoming students from all over the world.

Public vs. private university: Which is right for you?

The suitability of private universities depends on many factors, such as country rankings and other factors. You will need to narrow down your list of dream universities and then study each one's requirements.


It's not just about choosing between public and private universities, but understanding how they can be different and how this can affect your university experience. It's important to research each university before you apply. Think about what is important to you, such as cost, courses and social life, and choose the one that best suits your needs. To help you research and choose the right university for you, you can contact us. Our experts at MWT Education Consultancy can help you choose the right course and university and assist you in making a successful application.


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