October 11, 2023

Common Mistakes That You Should Avoid While Planning to Study Abroad

by Arunachalam

Common Mistakes That You Should Avoid While Planning to Study Abroad

Studying abroad is a dream come true for many students. However, when it comes to working towards it, it sometimes becomes a nightmare for students due to the wrong information or misconceptions in their minds. While applying to various universities may look like a complicated process, but with proper guidance and support, it can become a very easy process.

After advising thousands of students on their overseas education, our study abroad advisors at MWT Education Consultancy have noticed that there are a few mistakes that are most commonly made by students when applying to universities to study abroad. In this blog, we have listed most common mistakes students make when preparing their university applications, which can be easily avoided.

No amount of research is ever enough

The more reading you do, the more knowledge you stand to gain. Research is the most important aspect when planning to apply to study abroad. Universities everywhere offer a wide variety of courses with different outcomes leading to a successful career. Knowing your subjects or courses of interest will help you choose the right university from the thousands in the world. It also makes you aware of what the university has to offer beyond academics, as this is one of the most important things in the overall experience of studying abroad.

Plan your application well in advance or consult a study abroad advisor

Proper planning will make the rest of the process much easier as things will fall into place. Unlike Indian institutes, universities abroad open their applications well in advance and have a timeline for applying as they give enough time to the students for their process. It is always advisable to apply to a minimum of 3 to a maximum of 5 universities that you consider the best for your course of choice. This will give you the opportunity to choose when the offers come in. If you are sure you want to study abroad, it is best to apply at the right time. Your overseas education counsellor will keep you up to date with deadlines to help you stay on track with your applications, as there is a long road ahead.

The first impression is the best impression

The most common mistake a student makes when writing an SOP is to boast too much about their profile. The Statement of Purpose is your first line of communication with universities. What you write in your SOP will be how the university will recognise you. International universities are constantly searching for diverse student profiles for their institutions. Whether it is academics or extra-curricular activities such as sport, music, theatre or drama, anything will not only add to your profile but will also make your application more attractive to the university. And a recommendation from the right person is the icing on the cake, as it highlights your SOP and ultimately increases the chances of a positive response from the university.

Consider the expenses you will incur and manage your budget

When setting a budget, there are a lot of things to consider financially. Accommodation, food, lifestyle, everything has to be taken into consideration while budgeting to have a smooth transition from one country to another and help you settle down properly in the new country. It is advisable to keep an eye on the scholarships available at the university, as this will give you a discount on the amount of fees, which can be useful for many other expenses. It is important to plan your budget before you commit to studying abroad.

Don’t take the job search for granted

Only in India can students rely on the universities for jobs and placement after graduation. Universities abroad will help you get a job, but they expect you to take the initiative to find and get the best job possible. It is always advisable to take a few months after arriving in a new country to find a job, as the most important thing is to settle in and get used to the new environment. This will give you the time you need to make connections that will eventually help you widen your job search and reach a maximum number of employers.

Always have a backup plan

We plan a lot of things in our lives, but it rarely happens that all of them come true. For most of the students, studying abroad is a dream come true. It may happen that your planned application doesn't work out or that the university of your choice doesn't accept you, but that doesn't mean it's the end of the world. Keeping back-up options and having alternative plans ready will always come in handy in these situations and help you move forward. Most study abroad advisors always advise students to apply in 2 countries as a backup and to apply to 3-4 universities.

If you need assistance in application and admission process for international study, get in touch with our student counsellors at MWT Education Consultancy for further advice and assistance.


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